Saturday 11 August 2012

3 Ways to Audit Your Pay Per Click Campaign

So many businesses, whether your small, medium, or large jump head first into pay per click marketing campaigns. Mainly because they just want all the traffic they can get to their landing page. However, if you aren’t getting any conversions from these millions of visitors, then it’s not doing much good for your business. Do these five steps to ensure you are getting the most from your pay per click campaign.

Analyze Your Campaign Structure

Just as if you were building a house, you need to ensure you lay the foundation of your pay per click campaign properly. Categorize your ads and ensure you are narrowing each ad campaign to a highly targeted audience so you’re not wasting your budget.

Analyze Your Ad Copy

Here you’ll want to ensure you are using keywords that will produce the highest conversion rates. You also want to ensure your ad copy is to the point and has an extremely clear call-to-action. For each campaign, you should be using 5 different ads all targeting the same keyword and then you can determine which ad is generating the most clicks and the highest conversion rates.

Analyze Your Landing Page

If you have the budget to do so, you really should test out 2-3 different landing pages to see which ones are the most successful with your target audience. You can play around with graphic design, opt-in/call-to-action, colors, and written content. Then after a few weeks, you can analyze the results to determine which landing page produces the most favorable results and increase website traffic.

We hope these tips on auditing your pay per click campaign have been helpful, and if you have any questions regarding your business’s pay per click campaign, feel free to reach out and contact LookSmart, Ltd.

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