Friday 24 August 2012

5 SEO Strategies For Your Blog

Anyone these days, no matter what profession you are, should be operating a blog. Even if you post little blog posts once every week or two, it’s a great way to increase your credibility in your profession, be found through searches, and of course, increase your search engine optimization. Here are five SEO strategies to make the most out of your blog:

1. Content, Content, Content.

Don’t just write a blog “for SEO purposes”. You want to create meaningful content that your visitors will actually have use for. You want to provide valuable information for your visitors so they immediately see that you know your information and they learn to trust you through the content you provide. By posting an article that has the keyword “search engine optimization” in it 27 times – it will be GREAT for SEO, but once you drive the traffic there, they’ll quickly realize based on the poor content that there’s nothing of use in the article for them.

2. Interact on Other Blogs

You should be finding the most influential bloggers in your field, and subscribe to them. Then you’ll receive an email notification for each blog post they publish, you can go and skim through the comment on them. But the key to blog commenting isn’t just to comment for the sake of SEO because usually these comments are bland and if the blogger gets even a small sense that your trying to promote your own blog, they’ll more than likely not publish your comment by pay per click. The key here is to actually put forth a meaningful comment that contributes to a discussion.

3. Use Tools (Example: Wordpress)

If you aren’t using Wordpress to house your blog, I highly suggest you make the transition over. Wordpress is a great tool, ESPECIALLY if you aren’t highly technical. Wordpress has many tools as well such as an exclusive SEO Package. Wordpress also allows you to involve social media such as “liking” your blog posts or “tweeting” your blog posts.

4. Utilize Inside Linking

This is a very easy, yet highly over-looked SEO tactic. When you are publishing a blog post on your website/blog, ensure that you have about 3-5 links from that blog post to other posts on your website. This is very much like link building and is great for SEO purposes. You can also link out to other websites, but the only issue you could run into with this strategy is if that link ever becomes broken.

5. Encourage Guest Blogging

When I say this I mean both offer guest blogging yourself, and encourage others to contact you to write guest blogs on your website. This is a great way to increase your outreach, build your network, and increase your increase website traffic. Usually when you guest blog, both the blogger and the blog work together to promote the guest blog which is extra exposure to your website/blog.

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